die Cineversity, hat nun die Siggraph Videos online. Ich hab sie seinerzeit immer verpasst, aber nun gibts sie ja konserviert =)... Bin schon gespannt. Bsw. ich bin grad wieder gut am rotieren, daher ists grad etwas ruhig hier.
after playing a bit more with r14 I still collect some things that maybe interesting,too.
- Expresso drag´n´drop
- giving the Null-Object ICON a color
- sculpting presets & artshader
- some more fancy sculpting things
- look at the new GI / radiosity maps
- interactive camera focusdistance
- TP and Alembic
- normalizer shader
- wood shader
- with correct syncet sound =)
- aeorodynamiks
- whats behind ALEMBIC export
- camera calibrator aka foto/ camera matching
- there is a (colored) light on the object manager =)
- the expressoemperor new clothes =))