
Samstag, 31. August 2013

Lorn's 'Weigh Me Down / Max Fridrich

U know, I love pixel bud that is more than just oldscool style.... I like that video.

Leider konnte ich über den Herren Max Friedrich nix rausbekommen, der Name klingt deutsch.

dark weekend freunde

Oh, there is another one, and while "WMD" is more 16 Bit, this one feels 8 Bit...and a like it a lot.

Freitag, 30. August 2013

"Oblivion" process montage / david levandowski

David did a intresting edit out of this oblivion graphics stuff...oh, the graphics is nice to see anyway :)

Ich fand ja Oblivion ganz Ok, nur das Ende etwas lame, also die eigentlichen Aliens an sich etwas unispiriert umgesetzt. Habt ihr es gesehen? Meinungen?


Donnerstag, 29. August 2013

node based material system for #C4D

Final Render für C4D hatte ja seinerzeit ein Node based Materialsystem, und somit hatte ich schonmal die Gelegenheit die Möglichkeiten eines solchen zu schätzen.  Bin mal gespannt, was aus diesem Ansatz hier wird.


Mittwoch, 28. August 2013

Free C4D Model: Growing Vines / Grischa Theissen

If U need a setup to make your own "Jack the Giant Slayer " spinoff... go to this Blog and download the free C4D setup.



Dienstag, 27. August 2013

harvest / @beeple

Mr. Winkelmann did it again...very cool mix of cartoon and realistic look.... and he shares the C4D setup.

Cinema 4D project file:

If U didn´t know his collection of free stuff U have to follow his site anyway....NOW!


Sonntag, 25. August 2013

#octane render pack for #C4D / rainasawrus

hey, again stuff to feed the Octane nerds ...a very usefull materials and scene libary to made your GPU render experiments a bit easier.

follow this LINK

and this one for the official octane website ( there is a free Demo + C4D bridge)

nice weekend

Donnerstag, 22. August 2013

male t-shirts by @izaiza


die Iza hat jetzt ein paar Styles auf Spreadsheet released.
Dieses Motiv hatte ich bisher exclusive, vieleicht hab ihr es mal in ner Episode gesehen. Jetzt ist die Chance auch eins zu haben.

Schickt mir dringend ein Foto mit euch in diesem Shirt, ich mache dann mal ne Sammlung =)



Mittwoch, 21. August 2013

V-RayforC4D basic startup / Josef Bsharah

This is the week of C4D external renderengines ... here is a brilliant and easy to understand tutorial page for V-RAY starters by Josef Bsharah. Follow the link,  download the tutorials and become a master in VRAY ;)



see ya @IBC2013

this year IBC is from 13.-17. Sept. in Amsterdam and guess who is there, too. Another chance to see the C4D r15 live. If U be there say hi, I presenting at the MAXON booth at:

Monday 13:00 - 14:00
Tuesday 10:00 - 11:00

Here are all detailed Informations on the MAXON site.  (and here in german)


Dienstag, 20. August 2013

m4d - iray for C4D tutorial series / büro bewegt


Moritz Schwind from munich Büro Bewegt  made a complete tutorial series about at2´s mentalray for C4D ( especially this realtime GPU supportet iray) . Maybe this 10 tutorials helping ,  if you afraid new technics a bit =)

Every Video is with C4D szene fiele and so on...great work Moritz.

Here the Vimeo-channel-Link


Freitag, 16. August 2013

inlingua / making of

back in the days... da ich ja 2010 auf diesen Blogg geswitched bin nutz ich einfach die Chance dieses alte "making of" noch mal auf youtube und hier rezureleasen ...vieleicht ists ja für einige spät Mostyler neu =)

this time , Mo tennsen & Jo hannsen talking about Inlingua commercial (INLINGUA) making.

- Jo shows his C4D handycam-rigg
- mo shows the C4D  SzeneMotionBlure + GI+ AO +... timesave trick ...ehm..again =)
- Johannes Kollender

additional links :

- vitor
- carsten böhnert

Here is the C4D Handycam-rigg fiele:

nice weekend

Donnerstag, 15. August 2013

Banque Populaire 5 making of / Matt Frodsham

Hier ist noch ein unterhaltsammes "making of" Video von Zeitguised`s Matt. Ausführlicher wirds dann auf seinem Blog:

hinsurfen, lernen, freuen...schön =)

Mittwoch, 14. August 2013

Micha Moor - Phunk! / Johannes Kollender

Kollege Jo Hannsen, hat diesen funky Clip gestrickt...Achtung Epilepsie Warnung =)


2D FX Reel / Sébastien Iglesias

from time to time it´s good to remember, there are some guys doing great stuff in 2D ...this reel is so fun to watch .... and there is a interesting blog from the animator, too.

Siggraph 2013 Rewind: Imaginary Forces

OK, Cineversity is on Vimeo ,too. So I can direct embed this Pacific Rim titles "making of" I enjoyed a lot... have fun ...


Sonntag, 11. August 2013

Samstag, 10. August 2013

C4D vray scene giveaway / @richnosworthy

The talented Rich Nosworthy has a little present for your scene-digging Vray guys, too =)

here is a LINK for the C4D + vary  scenefiel


free / full rigged Cinema 4D characters

rereleased on youtube: group member Nils Gellissen give his two sweet 3D charakters to U. They are fully rigged including Face-Rigg, Sofi has a bit cloth and rigged hair.

This Video just showed a few basics about the RIGG. Thumbs up Nils , for his kindness to share the result of his own learning experiences, and giving something back to the community.

here are the C4D files:

It´s for C4D r13 and Vray, bud works without Vray, too.

nice weekend

Freitag, 9. August 2013

white lights 2.5 / @Tools4D

There is a update for Paul Everett white Lights plugin... mybe U didn´t know this plugging till now?

Not bad idea , to have a look at Tool4D very usefull plugins here  .


Donnerstag, 8. August 2013

Phonat by hellosavants

just like it ... a ton of sweet designs , nice animated ..... hypnotic

super deformer pack

hey, this set of deformers from curious animal, especially the scroll deformer looks very handy.

LINK to developer site is HERE there is a free demo, too. ( thanks to helloluxx for advise of this)

Mittwoch, 7. August 2013

The Art of Journey

Journey was the most impressive game I ever played. And when you have a PS3 and didn´t experienced it till now, do your self a favor. Buy that game, switch your phone off, take some drinks or food you need for the next two hours and do this journey ... let nothing interrupt you, till the end. In the best case you find a unknown friend.

Here are some words about the beautyfull design.


Dienstag, 6. August 2013

Contre temps

just wonderfull... the style...the lightning...the animation...must see


Montag, 5. August 2013

Refractive Animation with Caustics in #C4D / @helloluxx

Tim reinvented one of his oldest refraction- logo -idea Tutorials... and it´s still fresh and maybe helpful , if U havn´t a clue about C4D - caustics anyway =)

follow THIS LINK


TV Strands / Vincent Ullmann


hoffe ihr habt das weekend einigermaßen überstanden,  zum Wochenauftakt ein wenig beauty.
Ist zwar in Softimage , gerendert mit Arnold, aber für Nachbaufetischisten, spätestens mit x-particles 2 ne nette Fingerübung =)


Mocha Pro to C4D: Exporting 3D Camera Tracking

Since boujou has still this annoying C4D-export bug, maybe time to risk a view to the colleagues.
In this video is the mocha solution shown... didn´t test this be myself till now, bud looks intresting.


Samstag, 3. August 2013

C4D R15 Realtime viewport rendering / Marijn Raeven

Very cool ... Marijn shows a nice addition to the viewport possibilitys in R15...when U combine the good old Interactive Render Region feature with QMC and the physical render ( progressive mode)....could be very useful in terms of lightning your scene =)


Killzone Mercenary beta / und kommendes C4D Gewinnspiel

Na, die letzte Woche wahr ja watt los auf dem Facebook ...da gewinne ich doch n closed-Beta-Key für das kommende Killzone: Mercenary  für die PS Vita.  N bischen fummelig mit den kleinen Knöpfen, aber macht Spaß im Multiplayer, hier den Screenshot hab ich mit meiner Vita gemacht, schick schauts aus. Im Detail natürlich nicht so viele Polys , wie auf dem großen Bruder PS3 aber nice. Bin jetzt mal auf die Campanie gespannt.

A pro pos gewinnen, ich hab auch noch  ein frei wählbares Plugin aus der Blackstar Serie gewonnen: Da ich die aber eh zur Verfügung gestellt bekomme, würde ich das gerne weiter verlosen. Ich glaube ich mache da so eine art Suchspielchen draus, damit treue Zuschauer im Vorteil sind =)

Also, schaut mal ab nächste Woche öfters auf den Blog, da werde ich das dann offiziell ankündigen.

nice weekend

making of "smart"

This Job I did in 2011 is a bit older, bud for (mostyle) newcomers is the "making of" below, maybe still interesting .I rerelease it on my new Youtube-channel.

It was my very first englisch recording, it´s 1:30 h long, bud  tells anything from scratch, to finding style to made it in finished movie.

have a nice weekend

Freitag, 2. August 2013

The Olympians / Masters of Pie

so, nach den ganzen Turtorials und so weiter, der letzten Tage, einfach mal wieder watt zum ankucken...nice =)


Donnerstag, 1. August 2013

3D knitting in C4D / Pingo van der Brinkloev

ah , this is cool and something I didn´t try till now....  Pingo shows his approach with hair and mograph to do some knitting stuff....great =)


Absolut Amber / Zeitguised

Berlin Zeitguised did some beauty stuff for Absolut....there are some more stills on the behance site,too.

follow this Link


helloluxx new training sessions coming soon

Did U notice, that teasing new training sessions? In this case U can learn making a sweet TV ident like this from scratch. Isn´t that great ? Before web 2.0, I learned my first C4D mograph-module steps from some free fieles on Tim´s old website.

Bud he and his blog is great anyway, so bookmark that NOW! =)
