
Dienstag, 24. März 2015

the future of TurbulenceFD / @jawset


Jascha Wentzel, the developer of the fabulous Turbulence FD holds a speak at the GPU Technology Conference. If U technical interested and have 20 min time, there are a few thrilling things about next version. Of course , it´s about better performance  and better RAM- and multi GPU using , but interesting how he solve it.  Oh, and Dreadnought material is featured =)

Here is the LINK

happy week

Samstag, 21. März 2015

die bahn kommt ...


ich weiß , ihr hab weekend... Ich nutze ne Renderpause um auch mal wieder was eigenes zu  posten. Letzte Woche ist dieser kleine Erklärfilm für die Bahn bei uns vom vom Band gerollt.

credits :

client: vyuu / G+J

artists: Filip Lange,  Dennis Tiege,  Michail Petrischenko ,  Kay Tennemann

happy weekend

Mittwoch, 18. März 2015

pixels trailer


it´s more than 4 years ago since the original "pixels" short movie  from  Patrick Jean and the Hollywood adaption is nearly ready now.... yeah. The crafting looks nice so far in this trailer. Let´s see what the story brings. We all know it , this summer =) . What do U expect???


Dienstag, 17. März 2015

otoy unveils OctaneRender 3


the wave of good news not ebbs =) ... Otoy unveils OctaneRender 3 ... toons of new useful features , but for me, the best is OpenCL support. That is what I did not dare to hope. That  transformed my lovely MacPro with his two , for the moment not very useful AMD GPU´s, to a potent render monster. Beside the fact, that I can´t use octane on this mac till now. Swag move Otoy!


The Leviathan -- Teaser


what for the 3D nerds... heavy SciFy stuff .... great crafted ...  just a pleasure to watch.
This is a proof of concept .... would be nice to know how much man / time it costs.

have fun

Montag, 16. März 2015

x-particles 3 finally out NOW!


I know , everybody that is interested into C4D and Particles is in the openBeta. But for the Rest ... tada ... x-particles 3 is ready and official out. I had the chance to realize a first Job with the openBeta last mont ....and use it right now for the next one =) .... can´t imagine live without x-partciles .

The 2.5 was great and now we have some more fun toys build in ...for example a new system, similar to what Turbulence FD did, too. But have a own look.

here is the LINK

have fun

Samstag, 14. März 2015

we @


letzte Woche wahren wir bei und haben mit Budi ein wenig über uns, 3D und n bischen Demoszene gequatscht.  Und da ich dieses Jahr  noch keine folge geschafft habe, paßt es ja ganz gut.

Falls ihr die quasi Nachfolger von GameOne nicht auf dem Schirm habt, hier senden sie live .

Ach, falls ihr dann eh schon auf Twich rumkurvt, ich hab da auch einen Kanal und streame ab und an von der PS4 oder unsere Battlefield 4 Sessions.

viel Spaß

Montag, 9. März 2015

99 frames 2k15 / rich nosworthy


this week starts with some news. 99 frames is back and the trailer is made by this super dude rich nosworthy. I very like his work since his first everydays. And this pice shows again, what a perfect combination of style and tech knowhow can do. Some kind of `making of `is there, too.

Hope everyone is now inspired for a own 99 frames entry =)
